Friday 31 July 2020

Matariki Celebration

On matariki maori people and others fly kites.Maori people mostly celebrate matariki because it is the maori new year.The maori people mostly celebrate matariki.Did you know that there is 9 star but

We celebrate matariki by cooking food, doing maori dancing, and spending time with your kids and family.Matariki is a star who tell the younger stars where to go. Matariki is the biggest star. Matariki is on the 13 of July 2020.

We had a haungi and we had pumpkin and chicken kamara and peas. We went to look at the classes and when we went to room 6 there ones were soooooo!!! Amazing because they made it with kebab sticks and there.And I loved Jaden is one because his one was creative and amazing.

We went to the hall for our haungi and there were chicken too and then we had to sit in circles and the other classes had to sit in circles Mr Hendricks clapped and then we clapped Mr pat call the classes to come get they food and Rm8 were going and then we all got our food and said thank you we ate and they gave us milk Mr Hendricks said if you are done go outside and play and throw your rubbish in the bin.

When we went to class I felt happy,Great because that was the best day ever!!!!.